Thursday, May 2, 2013

"It's 3am I Must be Lonely"

So the best way to date yourself is to start naming songs that you grew up listening to! While I'm not lonely (at the moment), it is shortly after 3am. Does this happen to you too? A song pops into your unsuspecting brain for every occasion? It's ALMOST worse than an earworm...almost. 

For those that know me, know that I have four month old twin boys...also, for those that know me, know that I like to (liked to) do shots. So what's better than taking your babies in for their vaccines and have this glorious song playing in your mind...nothing says "I'm a mom" like this one...

Or how about standing at the fridge. I mean, for God's sake, you're just STANDING there doing NOTHING to provoke a song. You extend your arm, glass in hand, to the get some ice and, yeap, you guessed it, here we go again...

C'mon, admit it, you liked that last one. Had enough? I think I have...because,'s 3am. Who in their right mind starts up a blog and posts their first one at 3am? I guess the better question is, "Are any moms of twins, that aren't sleeping through the night, in their right mind"?

Maybe tomorrow at 3am I will figure out how to adjust the things I messed up when creating my little BlogSpot. I leave you with this...