Friday, August 30, 2013

How To Become a Blogger

Do people tell you that you are entertaining? Do you love to write? Have you always been good at writing? Great! And...NONE OF THAT MATTERS! Muahahaha. Ok, so maybe it matters a little bit, HOWEVER if you're not using keywords, repeatedly, on trending topics, blogging may not be a good fit. No joke. You might be totally funny, you might write great blogs, you might be witty and even charming BUT if you're not popping up in search engines, you're not getting read...unless you're famous, but then again if you're famous you're popping up in search engines ;)
So what do you do to get your blogs read? You have a choice to make. You continue to casually write about things you are passionate about and hope somewhere along the way, you catch on like white on rice... OR you incorporate the tricks of the trade and get more hits on the searches. As for me, I've never been one to hop on any bandwagon (well maybe if included a bar and my good friend Jack Daniels). I WILL sacrifice a little and write about things (like this topic lol) that don't interest me that much but will probably get more hits than anything else I've written ;) Let's just dabble in the basics of becoming a blogger...

Stick with One Blog Topic
How to become a blogger? Stick with a general topic. What's your poison? DIY projects? Kittens? Day old bread? Whatever it is, it can be as general or specific as you want. My general topic is Mommy blogging and my more specific topic of choice is my 8 month old twins (because they drive me nuts and I need to vent). When you are just starting out and your blogs jump around from sports to cooking to bestiality and then on to tattoos, chances are your readers won't be interested in exactly the same things you are.

Keywords in Blogs
Throw in keywords until you can keyword no more...and then add a few more ;) Really though, keywords are important. Think it through, what are people searching and what phrases will people search- incorporate them into your blog. Now don't be super annoying and write things like, "Becoming a blogger means you want to become a blogger because you enjoy blogging and you want to bloggity blog blog blog". You get my point. Annoying is never good...well, unless you're being annoying on purpose, then it's FANTASTIC! One keyword per 100 words is a good guideline; if you have your own website to link it back to, even better!

Label Pictures in Blogs
Pictures in blogs have a "properties" link for a reason. Take the time to put your keywords in's not just a description for the blind. Have you ever wondered why you're WRITING a description for the blind to READ anyway? It's kind of like the braille on the drive-thru ATMS...sometimes life makes no sense ;)

Keep on Blogging
Blog consistently. Try to get two blogs a week out there. This is another bandwagon I forgot to climb on! If you're not constantly blogging people will think you're like one of the millions of other bloggers. Yes, everyone blogs these days. It's a travesty.

Promote, Promote, Promote!
Tell your friends, use social media, write it in the sky if you have the money! Never stop promoting your blog. Share it on Twitter, share it on Facebook, put it on your business cards!

Blogging is fun, if you don't enjoy it, don't do it. If you have to do it and don't like it, hire a ghostwriter ;) I should throw some links and pictures in this blog, but again, the bandwagon thing isn't my style. I'll just have to stick with the "promote, promote, promote" and hope that someday I get enough page hits to warrant some paying advertisers!

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