Monday, January 20, 2014

DIY Pot Rack - Pot Rack Bar

Here's a rambling for you. I Google or YouTube search everything - recipes, home repairs, best places to live, dwarf cats, how to make a bomb...ok, maybe not that last one ;) I'm generally overwhelmed with a sea of information - I'll take it!

Googling any and all variations of "DIY Pot Rack" was a total disappointment BUT it's not like I'm incapable of being creative - I'm a mom for Pete's sake (Who is Pete anyway? Guess I'll Google that later). So, I put on my thinking cap and came up with a solution. I wasn't sure how sturdy it would be or if it would hold BUT for $20 I was willing to give it a shot! 

I found my answer in a ceiling mounted curtain rod and some shower curtain hooks :) SCORE! Easy solution, inexpensive, and it's held all of these heavy pots and pans for over a month now (guess that means it's sturdy)!

You're welcome ;)

Until next time friends!

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