Monday, July 22, 2013

Notes for the Babysitter

Jax: Less hair
Alek: More hair

            11:00 – Bottles (on counter)

12:00 – Lunch (each gets one of the little plastic containers in fridge) I feed them one at time because they’re super impatient and LOVE food (kinda like me, ugh)! If they don’t finish the food, that’s fine.

1:30 – Naptime. They will start getting moody between 1 and 2 so you can put them down anytime. Alek’s crib is closest to the window. They’ll probably sleep two+ hours!

3-4 – I’ll more than likely be back by 3 J

· They’re both “floor babies” now! They stay on the floor unless held because they will roll off the couch and die…dead babies are not good! (OK, they probably wouldn’t really die; I know this from experience!)

· They can play together if you’re down there with them; otherwise, keep them apart or they will gouge each other’s eyes out.

· Beware! They’ve moved on from just pulling hair to scratching. These monsters will dig their little claws into any part of you and they have no mercy!

· Dump out whatever toys you want them to have (in the baskets by the fireplace); they love the little rubber blocks to play with (and chew on). If there’s more than three things they get overwhelmed and are cranky AND cry AND whine (super annoying). Guess why they do this. Yep, evilness.

· I’m trying to teach them the word “no” but they have no idea what it means! So if you say no and they look at you and just smile, it’s because they’re evil!

· When you put them down for a nap, pop a binkie in (found in cribs) and leave the room (if you stand there, they cry). They will likely cry anyway so wait a few minutes and go back in to put their binkies back in their mouths…again, they’re evil! They should nap for 2-3 hours (if not, no big deal). They ALSO might wake up during the nap; before getting them up, pop a binkie in to see if they will go back the f*** to sleep J

· Help yourself to anything in fridge or cabinets! Stress eating is fully permitted in this house!

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